Fresh From the Oven...
What I've baked for CNY so far:

On a brighter note:
My Fatt Koh/Huat Kueh smiled!!!! I did it this morning..
What I've baked for CNY so far:
Yes! I know, I really should update more often.. and I will.... try..
Wow.. before you even realize it, our Piglet Chan is 6 months old today! I was telling Hubby a couple of days ago, how I missed our little 1 month old Piglet Chan.. :)
A little update, at 6 months, Aiden:
1) Is able to pull himself forward a little, go backwards with ease.
2) Rolls around a lot, moves himself in 360 degrees like crazy!
3) Loves singing.. but of course in his own little language! We discovered that he loves oldies.. be it Chinese or English.. lol..
4) Loves eating his digestible biscuits.. give him 1 and he stuff all right into his mouth at a go, like we've not fed him for ages.
5) Simply adores going out, he smiles like there's no tomorrow if you bring him out. Keep him at home for a whole day, and he'll be grouchy like hell..
6) Loves his walker.. he can move around with ease now.. his latest stunt was moving sideways like a crab.. god know where he learned that from..
7) Smiles and laugh a lot more these days.. but his laughter are still those soundless ones.. you can see his mouth open really big but not a squeak will come out.. and he throws a whole lot of tantrums too.. this son of mine have a really mean temper.. hmmmmm..
8) Loves his ABC flashcards.. you can flash it repeatedly for a hundred time in front of him and he never gets tired of them.. so much more better than any other toys!
9) Still couldn't sit on his own unsupported... but he's on his way there..
10) Weighs 8.5kgs and about 70cms in length.. everybody was complaining how heavy he was.. recently, he decided to go on diet and started refusing his milk..
11) Recognizes his family, but is a little wary of strangers. But he warms up to them quickly, especially if you are fair.. lol..
12) Have both his double eyelids already! For the longest time, he had single eyelid on the right eye and double on the left.. yup! They both are double eyelid now! Lol..
I thinks that's about it.. will updates with photos soon.. Ciao! :)
©2009What was, What is, What will be.... | by TNB