Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy 4 months old Darling!!

Aiden turned 4 months yesterday!! How time flies! I feel I'm missing so much of his progress not being there by his side everyday! My mum, knowing how much I missed him, gives me a detailed report everyday of his progress..... I can't wait for the day when I can bring him back here for good, and have him by my side 24/7... Don't think it'll be anytime soon though...

Been really down these past few weeks.. Nothing seems to be going my way, be it at work or my personal life... my only bright spark is little Aiden boy.. He's the only thing right now that makes this depressing world a little brighter, makes life a little more worthwhile to live on.. Right now, I'm only looking towards the weekends when I can see him, touch him, hug him, kiss him...

Aiden's milestone so far:

1) Aiden lifted his head by himself even before he is one month old! Thus earning the nickname Stiff-Neck from my mum..

2) He started smilling slightly after his first month. This son of mine is one cool bugger. He hardly smile, but when he does... Awwww.. it'll melt your heart.

3) He started talking at about 2 months.. his vocab has doubled since. Just recently, he kept going 'Buuu Buuu' when he wants to be carried.

4) He flipped on his own just last week! And he will drag him self a couple of inches forward when he's on the mattress. So amazing!!