Thursday, August 23, 2007
An Unreturned Book...
So... I was back at my mum's place a week ago... Aaron was taking a nap, my mum and my dad was busy cooking lunch. There I was, nothing to do...
In the dining area, there's a tall bookcase, containing both me and my sister's books back from our childhood days.. Boy, did we read a lot then, I was thinking.. I went through some of the books for old times sake.. There's Enid Blytons, Nancy Drews, Sweet Valley Twins... hey! A couple of books from Shakespeares..
Hmmm... what's this?

This was a good book! I flipped the first page:
HAHA!! And I've held on to this book for at least 12 years.. Pearl, I'll return it to you the next time we meet k.. LOL!
;O... Hey!!! that's my book??!!! Gosh...Well, u can keep it, for old time sake..heh heh.. I've gotten rid of many books..i thin including all my Christopher Pike, Fear Street, Jackie COllins.. whatever..U can keep it, read it, sell it, give it away-lah...I'm glad to see that I can trust you with my book. Looks like in pretty good condition, still.
August 24, 2007 1:22 AMPost a Comment