Monday, October 29, 2007
Seafood Herbal Wine Steamboat

..:::Nomin Seafood Restaurant, 31/33 Teck Chye Terrace:::..
..:::The menu:::..

We ordered the steamboat ($30) that comes with a platter of seafood (which includes fish, squid, fishballs, prawns, crabs, frog legs, scallops, sea cucumbers, vegetables and straw mushrooms). Hubby was worry it's not enough for the both of us.. since we declined having rice.

..:::The seafood platter:::..
The soup was delicious!!! I loved herbal soup.. and with the wine, it's yummy! Even Hubby says so.. Midway through dinner, both our faces were red, though we didn't really feel the effect from the wine. I guess it's because of the heat as well..
..:::Hubby's face was really red in this picture, but he's too dark to see.. ha!:::..
..:::We finished nearly all the soup!:::..
At the end of dinner, we were both very full! Maybe because we finished the soup till the very last drop.. haha! The steamboat, together with 2 drinks came up to $34. All in all it was really worth trying..
We went to watch a sneak preview of 'Stardust' after that. It was really nice! Light hearted and funny.. Do go and watch!
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