I saw this in How About Orange and decided to give it a try. Here's a step by step guide:
You'll need:
- 3 big oranges
- One box of orange flavored jelly powder (about 100gm)
- 400ml of boiling water

I'm supposed to slice the oranges lengthwise, but clever me sliced them horizontally. That's why I had trouble removing the pulps and caused a hole at the bottom of one of the oranges.. Use the kitchen wipe to blot the rinds so that they are kept dry.

Mix in the jelly powder with about 200ml of boiling water. Stir them together then add in the rest of the water. The directions on the box of the jelly powder actually calls for about 500ml of water, but I wanted the jelly to be firmer. I'm not too sure if it makes any difference, but the consistency turns out alright.
Place the rinds on any containers you have around to keep them upright.. I use cupcake cases. It works well.

Fill the jelly as much as possible, as they shrink a little when set. Leave it out to cool then place them in the refrigerator.

After the jello are set (about 3 hours or more), you can remove from the fridge and slice each half into another half.. and you can serve! Easy, and I'd bet it'll be a hit with children.. The big kid in this house certainly loved it! Ha!
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