Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chingay Parade at Woodlands.

We were just turning into our car park just now, when the parade came along the main road of our house! They buzzed by so quickly I didn't managed to get a good look, so Hubby turned the car and chased after the parade! We caught them along Drive 70 and had a good look at the floats! It brings back those fond memories when Mum and Dad brought me to watch the Chingay parade in Penang along Gurney Drive every Chinese New Year. I was still very young then, but I could still remember those beautifully lighted floats. They look very much bigger then though, maybe I was much smaller then, or have the floats shrunk? Hmm...
Managed to catch a couple of pictures using Hubby's phone when the parade stopped for a while at the junction. As you can see there were lots of people!

..:::People mountain people sea:::..

..:::An F1 Float:::..