Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Kick!

We felt our little darling kicking for the very first time on Friday! I've been feeling fluttery in the tummy the whole day, and at night, after I came back from work, had my dinner, bathe, and settle down to watch Survivor, I put my hands on my tummy.. I've to admit I've been doing that for many weeks, since reading in the forum that some mummies have actually felt their babies moving around.. Suddenly.. 'thud thud thud'! I quickly grabbed Hubby's hands and put them on my tummy! He was so excited when he felt it!! It was amazing! Our baby's moving around!
We'll be seeing baby when we go for the check up this Tuesday.. Hopefully we'll know if baby's a Mickey or a Minnie by then.. Can't wait for Tuesday!
Gotta go, was supposed to go to the Singapore Airshow with a bunch of my cousins today, but we didn't manage to get the tickets. So, instead will just go out for lunch, hang out at my aunt's place and then out again for dinner.. Ciao!